Authentic Cowboy Hats from the Western Headwear Leader, Milano Hat Company, Texas
All Milano hats have gained recognition in the marketplace because of their superior fit and finish, exclusive bodies and weave patterns, special finishes, and trimmings. Milano fur-felt hats, which re-entered the market in 1992, have earned great popularity again, because of their superior fit and finish. We have extended our commitment to the highest quality standards to our felt lines.
Even in the face of our dramatic success, we will continue to grow gradually enough to maintain our strict quality-control standards. With the Milano family so intimately involved in the day-to-day running of the company, we can assure our customers continuity in styling, manufacturing, customer service, and quality control for many years to come.
Keywords: Cowboy hats, Western Headwear, Larry Mahan's Hat Collection, Dorfman Pacific, straw hats, felt hats, crown of a hat, flange